Thursday, March 5, 2020

Best Tutors Team Together to Help Others

Best Tutors Team Together to Help Others Last week,  Tutorfair’s  best tutors in London gathered together to participate in a workshop for year eleven pupils deciding on their future steps post-GCSE. As part of  Tutorfair’s  charity promise to provide tutoring to those who can’t afford it, we were helping out our friends at  The Access Project.    They are a fantastic charity aiming to open up access to top universities for students at state school. Fourteen keen tutor volunteers braved London’s ghastly weather and the tube strike to arrive at the Globe Academy ready to advise students on their future plans. Amongst this group of best tutors, lay a treasure trove of different skills and talents, ranging from professional actresses to university lecturers and from to businessmen to Russell Group university students and graduates. They were ready to share their knowledge and experiences at Globe Academy and felt privileged to be invited to this fantastic school. Based in one of the most deprived catchment areas in London, the tutors were inspired by the motivational teachers and impressive facilities the school had to offer, just as Obama and David Cameron were at their visit in 2011. The afternoon programme saw ninety pupils engaged in four different sessions which worked on a carousel. These were: Professionalism Led by one of  Tutorfair’s  best tutors,  Madeleine K,  (UCLA double major and Cambridge), this workshop emphasised the importance of professionalism in college and the workplace. Helping Madeleine was  Tutorfair’s  Andrew Ground who has recruited graduates from a range of universities. Routes and Pathways This session looked at the different paths that pupils could take to reach their desired career. It emphasised the value of higher education but highlighted the different routes to get there which tutors advised on.  With Laurence Olivier award winning actress,  Amanda H,  offering guidance on degree alternatives and graduates speaking about ways to get into university, the students were given a variety of different options to think about. Apprenticeships As well as outlining some of the apprenticeship options available, the lovely Flick from  Rate My Apprenticeship  provided more generalised advice on filling in a CV and performing at interviews. Flick’s workshop was very popular - surely not because of the chocolates she handed out? Advice from current students This session allowed year eleven pupils to chat to current students at college and university and ask any questions about A-Level and degree study.  One of our volunteer tutors,  Pablo D, a lecturer at King’s College London who also assesses UCAS applications, was therefore able to share his expertise from the teaching side of university and university admissions. Thanks to the tutors and teachers involved, the pupils were given the opportunity to start thinking about their future and the best ways to achieve their goals. The tutors loved giving their individual guidance but were certainly in need of a rest after this intense, tiring but extremely rewarding afternoon.

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